
Stephanie Johnson-Cunningham and Museum Hue
by Hillary Ryan, Communications and Programs Strategist
In 2015, Stephanie Johnson-Cunningham co-founded Brooklyn-based Museum Hue as a collective of people of color to come together to talk about what was happening at their institutions and to visit and explore other museums and arts organizations. Since then, Museum Hue has evolved to become an arts...

Hooray for June and National Pride Month!
We’ve rounded up some articles, lists and ideas about museums and the LGBTQIA+ community. Since this is not a comprehensive listing we invite you to send us your additions.
Museums and Archives
Pride: “10 Incredible Museums and Archives that are Preserving LGBT History” by Cassie Sheets
Online Museum Exhibitions
GLBT Historical Society Archives and...
By Emily Turner
As educators we are often combating misperceptions about what it is that we do and what skills we bring to the table, from visitors and colleagues alike. These misunderstandings interact with a variety of larger systematic forces that result in a rather hostile working environment for a considerable proportion of emerging museum educators. Overworked and underpaid with little job...
By René de Guzman
A first glance at the Western Museums Association 2013 Annual Meeting Program
Drive On! !, the theme of the Western Museums Association (WMA) 2013 Annual Meeting, implies urgency and risk-taking. It suggests alignment with the present and future. It describes that moment just after a considered pause when we focus ahead and enter the difficult terrain before us, having faith...
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